Hasonló termékek
Az interpretatív fenomenológiai analízis (IPA) elmélete, módszertana és alkalmazási területe
Az interpretatív fenomenológiai analízis (IPA) a 2000-es években egyre fontosabb szerepet tölt be a kvalitatív pszichológiai kutatások között. Kezdetben főleg egészségpszichológiai témák kutatására alkalmazták, alapvetően a különböző "betegségtapasztalatok" megértésére.
Szilvia Kassai has a doctoral degree in clinical psychology
and addiction from Eövös Loránd University. Her research
interests include recovery processes; what does recovery mean
to a person who is in recovery from addiction or psychiatric
disorder. She is also engaged in utilizing qualitative methods
in psychology research. After the completion of the doctoral
program she was working as a desk o cer for drug issues at
the Ministry of Human Capacities, Hungary. She is currently a
scienti c assistant of National Research, Development and
Innovation O ce.
The present book is the outcome and a summary of my most important papers
written during my PhD years. Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) was the
most suitable research method for my research inquiry; the recovery approach. When I
have started my PhD research there was no IPA study published in Hungarian language.
That is why the aim of my research was not only to examine recovery processes by IPA
and through this get a deeper insight into this phenomenon, but also to establish the
practice of doing a research with IPA method in the Hungarian language.
This book rstly describes what recovery approach is, and in what areas is it used.
The theoretical foundations and the research design of IPA are also discussed. It is
also concerns why it is bene cial to use IPA in research that assessing recovery stories.
The second part of the book consists of four empirical studies related to the recovery
approach. The nal part of the book discusses all of the study ndings in general and
presents their contribution to the eld.
Szerzők(vesszővel elválasztva) | Kassai Szilvia |
Megjelenés | 2020 |
Terjedelem | 129 oldal |
Kötészet | kartonált |
ISBN | 978-963-414-617-9 |
Sorozat | RendSzerTan |